Today´s topic is the modification Uninorte´s websites. This problematic affects the majority of students, mainly those who are in the first semester. The structure of the site is a bit complex, creating problems when we are trying to register and remove subjects, even when we investigate the services offered by the university. The endgoal is to be able to help students to access the university website by modifying the website to show information dynamically and interactively. I hope that this experience allows me to be useful for the student community and learn about the processes of modifying a network. 

In my investigation I found several complaints about the difficulty in accessing the university's services. In some cases the students were left without the possibility of giving some subject, because of the pressure and congestion at the time of registering. I choosed this proyect, because I went trought the same situation in my first semester. I had a terrible schedule and I felt really bad for this. In such a way I don´t wanna that my partners suffer these complications.The initial plan was inform us, about how work a efficient red. For the modifying of the network, we will make a hierarchy of information to establish what data is more important, then change the design to a minimalist, elegant and simple type. Finally, the changes will be implemented and quality control will be carried out.

For me the most important thing is the teamwork, and this chance my group was really good. All the members worked and contribute with the homeworks that intially was delivered. I enjoyed working with them, because they proved to be responsible students. Maybe we had some problems when it came to exposing by the nerves of the moment. But finally I felt that we complement each other.

This project was an alternative to improve the students´s life. We wanted to find a way for solution the stress caused by realization of this activities. I realized that these activities help people think about each other and the problems that have an impact on them. Also the importance of a good chemestry between integrants of the group. Finally I appreciate the opportunity to work on a project that will contribute in my life in a positive way.
